
Обява за работа в Кралство Саудитска Арабия

General Commission for Survey, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – the leading institution in land survey and geodesy in Saudi Arabia – is looking for highly qualified and experienced geodetic engineers to take supervisory positions for quality assurance (QA) and quality control  (QC) meeting the following requirements:

At least 5 years experience in precise geodetic leveling ( First order/Class II & Second order/Class I according to NGS classifications) with hands on entire procedure for precise geodetic leveling (field and office work).

Fluent in English – having good communication skills to work in English speaking  environment, capable to understand standardization and specification documents and instructions, having experience in preparation of written instructions for the team under his supervision  and written reports to the management staff.

Capable to show leadership as supervisor of  team of 3-4 QC land survey engineers providing them with necessary instructions and training.

GCS offers: tax free salary according to candidate qualification and experience; field allowance for working on the field.

Duration of the contract: minimum two years.

Necessary documents: Cover letter;  Detailed CV in English with emphasis on projects related to precise geodetic leveling; Degree or diploma – translated in English and legalized; Certificates and other documents which show candidate's qualification and experience –  if available; Valid driving license.

For application and additional information please contact  Eng. Valentin Jovev,

 at: +359 889 305592

 or by e-mail to: geoval09@abv.bg


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